Louisville Judging Panel Confirmed
Thursday, February 5, 2004
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The World’s Championship Horse Show celebrates 101 years of Saddlebred, Hackney and Roadster competition at the Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, Ky., beginning, August 22-28, 2004.
Held annually at the Kentucky State Fair, the show is considered the richest and most prestigious competition for American Saddlebreds, Harness/Hackney Ponies and Standardbred Road Horses with over 200 classes and total premiums and awards in excess of $1.2 million.
Again the Five-Gaited World’s Grand Championship stake will award $100,000 in prize money – the largest amount of prize money given in a performance class for the American Saddlebred. The Five-Gaited Grand Championship competition will be held Saturday night, August 28.
Judges for the 101st show are: John Champagne, Billy Greenwell, Randy Harper, Ricky Harris and Anne Judd. American Saddlebred classes will be judged by: John Champagne, Billy Greenwell, Ricky Harris and Anne Judd. Hackney/Harness Pony classes will be judged by: Randy Harper, John Champagne, Billy Greenwell and Ricky Harris. Roadster Horse and Roadster Pony classes will be judged by: John Champagne, Billy Greenwell, Randy Harper and Ricky Harris. Equitation classes will be judged by: Anne Judd, John Champagne, Billy Greenwell and Ricky Harris.
The Kentucky State Fair will be held in Louisville at the Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center August 22-28, 2004. For more information on classes, entry blank and ticket prices, visit the web site at kystatefair.org.