Louisiana Fall Festival Horse Show Announces Judge
Monday, August 10, 2015
Baton Rouge, La. – Todd Graham of Una, WV will judge the 2015 Louisiana Fall Festival Horse Show, Show Manager Tommy Benton announced. Mark Farrar will serve as manager during the show, which will be held Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 at the historic John M. Parker Coliseum on the Louisiana State University campus in Baton Rouge.
The Parker Coliseum at LSU is the site of the old Dixie Jubilee Horse Show, one of the South’s premier shows for more than half a century. Last year LSU made significant improvements in the warm-up area in the barn. Exhibitors praised this improvement in what is a convenient venue where showing is facilitated by stalls, warm-up area, and ring all under one roof.
The beautiful collection of perpetual trophies from the Dixie Jubilee remains an important part of the Fall Festival prize tradition.
A well-rounded class list of Saddlebred, pony, open breed, academy, hunter and other divisions provide a niche for a wide range of exhibitors. In addition, this year’s show will include a division for Paso Fino horses that will not only add this breed to the show’s offering, but will also provide a respite between classes for Saddlebred exhibitors.
For more information and upcoming details, visit lafallfestivalhs.com and facebook.com/lafallfestivalhs. Contact information for Tommy Benton is [email protected] 225-938-7843.