Letter To The Editor - Tara Farm
Monday, March 8, 2004
Dear Editor:
Something very distressing happened this year at the AMHA Convention in Boston. A very small percentage of the total association membership voted in the Board of Directors elections! The AMHA Board Of Directors have a crucial role in our industry.
The Morgan show horse community needs to pull together. Professionals, owners, amateurs and exhibitors of every discipline need to work as one to protect our beautiful Morgan Horse. We all have too much invested to allow the future of our breed to be guided by a small percentage of people, many of whom do not even own a Morgan Horse.
The people whose lives are effected by this beloved breed need to stand up and let their voices be heard. Some of these people include, trainers, owners, veterinarians, farriers, judges, horse haulers, horse show managers, tack shop employees, riding apparel manufactures, insurance agents, horse blanket manufacturers, caretakers, lesson program participants, feed suppliers, and horse magazine employees etc. The list goes on! We all need to take it upon ourselves to educate those who do not understand what we do, and explain that the versatility of the Morgan is what makes it such a great breed, and one for which we all feel so passionately about.
If we would like a say in the way our breed association is run, it is imperative that we all take a more active and interested role in the mechanics of the AMHA
The Gang at Tara Farm
Ken and Dini Swanson
Frances Pugh
Raleigh, North Carolina