Letter to the Editor
Monday, August 18, 2003
Dear Editor,
I read with interest the Harris-Ruxer article and in the question and answer session an attendee asked Mr. Harris, “Why are the judges placing horses that are pacing and not doing a true to form slow gait and rack?” Mr. Harris replied, “Ask the judges.”
I think that this would be an excellent question for your staff to pose to the judging community. Since the rules state that a horse is to be penalized for any tendency to be “trotty, pacey or hitchy gaited” then let’s follow the rules. I grew up in the times of Wing Commander, My My, Lady Carrigan and Daydream and was privileged to see the masters perform a slow gait and rack in its true form. It is too bad we have lost such beauty.
Sincerely yours,
Fraser Mackenzie