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Letter To The Editor

Posted April 9, 2002
I would like to set the record straight with regard to the letter to the editor I just read on the Saddlehorse Report website is inaccurate concerning the INS or SEN or whatever you want to call the scoring system being used in the Equitation Finals.

I can remember quite well sitting in Nealia McCrackens house with her, Mike and Dale Arnston working on a scoring system in the early 90's. We have been using the scoring systems that was utilized at the first World Cup at the Pleasure Olympics which is a National Finals since the early 90's. I am sure we can find the exact date by looking at old records but I believe that we first used it in 1991 or possibly 1992. We first used it when the Pleasure horse show was still in Springfield Illinois. The first time we used it was the year that Ellen Beard was judging the olympics. We have since spent untold hours refining various aspects of the system, explaining it, and making presentations about it.

We did in no way copy anything that was used in South Africa or as a matter of fact did we even know a similar system was being utilized there. Actually we couldn't have copied it as we started using it before you developed anything according to your letter. What we had on the computer at World Cup was strictly a spread sheet that was developed at the request of Anne Judd. Is it possible your system was developed after talking to Anne about what we had? We have used the same scoring system manually for years at the Pleasure Horse Show.

I appreciate the fact that you have a system but please don't try and confuse the issue of where the system being used in the US first came from.


Pat Johnson
[email protected]

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