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Letter to the editor

Dear Editor:

One of the most incredible inaugural events in Saddlebred history has been launched achieving so much success that a thank you to Jim Aikman and all those involved on his team is highly deserved. Few other events have elicited this amount of excitement and active participation.

Our family was honored to be part of the audience. We loved Indianapolis and the down home feel of the show. I had a prior concern that how on earth could Jim Aikman bring that many babies into an arena in one evening and stay on time. Well, each event went off like clockwork, unbelievably smooth. The intermissions were exciting and needed in that they kept the audience’s attention focused and ready for the next set of weanlings. The future will see me participating, not just watching.

There were some that grumbled about the time it took to tally results. Keep in mind this was a first time event. No one can ever predict everything that might go wrong. This event was truly amazing. A dream became reality in the style that it was hoped for.

We as owners, participants, breeders, trainers, all of us, need to treasure those individuals who direct their passion to preserve the continuation of the Saddlebred industry.

Very Sincerely,

Sally Nottage

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