Kentucky State Fair World's Championship Horse Show 2015 Qualifying Requirements Pleasure And Park
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
1. All horses must qualify to compete in the American Saddlebred Show Pleasure, American Saddlebred Country Pleasure, American Saddlebred Park, and American Saddlebred Park Pleasure Divisions of the 2015 Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show.
Horses will be entered in these Divisions only if they have been shown in a minimum of six (6) classes, in three (3) or more different competitions, (not including the 2014 World’s Championship Horse Show) in the same Divisions in which they wish to compete at the 2015 World’s Championship Horse Show, either under saddle or in harness, beginning July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. At the 2015 World’s Championship Horse Show, the same horse may not enter and/or compete in the Junior Exhibitor and the Adult class, nor may it enter and/or compete in “under saddle and driving” or in more than one age division.
Horses that are to be shown in Pleasure Driving will be required to qualify by showing in six (6) classes at three (3) shows in Pleasure Driving. If the Driving class at a show does not specify whether it is Show or Country Pleasure the class will still count, but four (4) of the six (6) classes for qualification must be in either Show or Country Pleasure. Park Pleasure driving classes will not be considered as qualifying classes.
Classes and points earned in a division, such as three-gaited show pleasure cannot be applied to another division such as five-gaited show pleasure, nor can classes and points in Western Country Pleasure be applied to saddle seat Three-Gaited Country Pleasure. This does not affect or change the rule that a horse can show in juvenile, adult, novice, local, or limit classes in a division for the points and classes to count toward qualification.
Also for purposes of qualification, a horse in the Show Pleasure or Country Pleasure Divisions cannot be shown by its trainer on behalf of the owner of the horse, nor may a horse be shown by any adult family member of the trainer of the horse (provided, however, that this does not preclude a family member of a trainer from showing a horse if the horse is owned by the trainer or by such family member).
For purposes of potential Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure, and Park qualifying for the 2015 Kentucky State Fair, points will not be accumulated at the Kentucky State Fair by horses competing in the 2014 Kentucky State Fair; performances at the 2014 Kentucky State Fair will be excluded from potential qualifying point totals for the 2015 competition.
Effective for the 2015 World’s Championship Horse Show, any class added to a show's schedule after the prize list, class sheet or class schedule has been printed and/or posted on the show’s web site, Facebook page, etc. is allowed to count as a qualifying class for Kentucky State Fair's World’s Championship Horse Show as long as notification is made at least 2 weeks in advance to KSF show management, ASHA, and exhibitors. Classes denoted as “buy a class” or “TBA” are considered added classes and therefore will not be counted unless the prior notification process is followed. Classes that are added during the week a horse show is scheduled to be held do not count for qualifying.
2. Qualifying information for the American Saddlebred Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure, and Park Divisions, is on pages 28 - 31 of the 2015 Horse Show Premium Book.
3. Each qualifying class in the American Saddlebred Show Pleasure Horse Division, the American Saddlebred Country Pleasure Horse Division, the American Saddlebred Three-Gaited Park, and American Saddlebred Park Pleasure Division has a maximum number of qualified entrants that will be permitted to compete in each class.
For the 2015 competition, the maximum number of qualified entrants for each qualifying class is as follows:
Maximum #
Adult Three-Gaited Show Pleasure [3 splits]
75 [25 per split]
Junior Exhibitor Three-Gaited Show Pleasure, Rider 14 -17 Years Old [2 splits]
40 [20 per split]
Junior Exhibitor Three-Gaited Show Pleasure, Rider 13 Years Old and under [2 splits]
40 [20 per split]
Junior Exhibitor Show Pleasure Driving, Driver 17 Years Old and under
Adult Show Pleasure Driving [2 splits]
30 [15 per split]
Adult Five-Gaited Show Pleasure [2 splits]
50 [25 per split]
Junior Exhibitor Five-Gaited Show Pleasure, Rider 17 Years Old and Under
Junior Exhibitor Three-Gaited Country Pleasure, Rider 13 Years Old and Under
Junior Exhibitor Three-Gaited Country Pleasure, Rider 14 - 17 Years Old [2 splits]
40 [20 per split]
Adult Three-Gaited Country Pleasure [2 splits]
50 [25 per split]
Country Pleasure Driving [2 splits]
30 [15 per split]
Western Country Pleasure
Open Park Mare
Open Park Stallion/Gelding
Amateur Park Stallion/Gelding
Amateur Park Mare
Junior Exhibitor Park
Park Junior Horse
Park Pleasure Junior Horse
4. In the event the total number of entrants received for any qualifying class does not exceed the maximum numbers listed in #3 above, all entrants will be permitted to compete at the 2014 World’s Championship Horse Show.
5. As in prior years, Championship classes at the 2015 Horse Show will be limited to competitors who have received a ribbon in a qualifying class at the 2015 Horse Show. In the case of a split of a qualifying class, the policy for divided classes explained on page 26 of the prize list will be applied.
6. In the event the total number of qualified entrants received for any qualifying class exceeds the maximum numbers listed in #3 above by five (5) horses or less, the Kentucky State Fair reserves the right to permit all qualified entrants to compete in a qualifying class; but if the number entered exceeds the maximum number by more than five (5), the number of entries will be reduced to the original maximum number (e.g., if there are eighty-eight (88) entries in Adult Show Pleasure, only seventy five (75) will be allowed to show). The horses that will be eligible to compete in such qualifying class will be chosen based on a point system tabulated and verified by the American Saddlebred Horse Association (“ASHA”), as follows:
• For Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure, and Park horses must have “qualified” as described in #1 above (6 classes, at 3 shows), in the same Division.
• Effective 2015, qualifying (e.g. 6 classes at 3 shows) is no longer required for Park and Park Pleasure junior horses. The quota of 25 entries is still in effect; the first 25 entries in each class, based on postmark, will be accepted.
• All American Saddlebred horses competing in any competition listed on the ASHA’s database, regardless of whether such competition is a USEF licensed competition, will be eligible for consideration. In order for a non-licensed competition to be listed on the ASHA’s database, a representative of that competition must notify the ASHA as to the dates, location, and contact person of the competition at least two weeks before the competition is to be held. The secretary or the manager of said competition is responsible for sending in the results to the ASHA within ten (10) days after the competition and by the closing date of the qualifying period. Results will not be accepted (regardless of the postmark or meter date) by the ASHA that are received in the office after the closing date of the qualifying period.
Effective 2015 – any competition that has not previously been listed on the ASHA’s database must register with the ASHA at least 30 days prior to the competition dates in order to be a qualifying competition for the World’s Championship Horse Show.
• All ribbon winners in classes of six (6) or more entries will receive the following points - 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (8 for 1st, 7 for 2nd, and so on) - based on number of ribbons awarded; a class with five (5) entries from first place through fourth place, as follows: 4, 3, 2, 1; a class with four (4) entries, from first place through third place as follows: 3, 2, 1; and a class with three (3) entries, from first place through second place as follows: 2, 1. A class with two (2) entries, the first place will receive one point; only one (1) entry will receive no points. In Western Country Pleasure points will be the same as the above, with the exception of St. Louis, where only the Shatner Adult and Shatner Juvenile Western Pleasure Championships will receive double points. Points will count in the following Divisions: Show Pleasure Three-Gaited, Five-Gaited, and Driving; Country Pleasure Three-Gaited, Western, Five Gaited and Driving; Park – Three-Gaited. Points will not be allocated in the following classes for qualification at the 2015 Kentucky State Fair: Open Pleasure, Walk/Trot Pleasure, English Pleasure and Opportunity classes.
• Points will not be allocated in Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure, and Park Division (as noted in #1) at the 2014 Kentucky State Fair.
• To break any tie necessary to determine the eligibility list, preference will be given to the entry with the larger number of points from USEF competitions. If no points come from USEF shows, then the entry with the larger number of points earned from classes with six (6) or more entries will be given preference.
• Only points accumulated during the qualifying period in the Division in which the horse is entered at the 2015 Kentucky State Fair will count toward qualifying for the Kentucky State Fair. Points accumulated during the qualifying period remain with a horse, regardless of any change(s) of ownership.
• The ASHA will tabulate the points accumulated by each horse, and points will be posted on the ASHA website at The results for competitions that are listed on the ASHA website will be used to determine points for eligibility, and must be in the ASHA Office for tabulation by the end of the qualifying period (regardless of postmark and metered date).
• The Kentucky State Fair reserves the right to resolve any dispute as to the accuracy of the point total used to determine which horses are deemed eligible to compete.
• The first and second place winners only (i.e., Champion and Reserve Champion) in a championship class for Show Pleasure – Three-Gaited, Five-Gaited, and Driving; Country Pleasure – Three-Gaited, Western and Driving; Park – Three-Gaited at the 2014 World’s Championship Horse Show shall be eligible to compete in the same Division in 2015 for which the championship class was held, provided that such horses also showed in a minimum of six (6) classes, in three (3) or more different competitions (not including the 2014 World’s Championship Horse Show), in the same Division in which they wish to compete at the 2015 World’s Championship Horse Show, either under saddle or in harness during the period beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015.
7. Inasmuch as qualifying for the 2015 Kentucky State Fair may result from participation in competitions not sanctioned by the USEF and thereby not subject to the USEF Drugs and Medications program, in addition to the random drug testing that entrants at the 2015 Kentucky State Fair are subject to, all qualifying and Championship classes at the 2015 Kentucky State Fair in the Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure, Park, and Park Pleasure Divisions will be subject to mandatory drug testing in conjunction with the USEF Drugs and Medications program.
8. The Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show is a member of the USEF, and is therefore subject to all USEF rules and regulations.
9. The Kentucky State Fair reserves the right to make a determination to exclude a class from inclusion that does not qualify as an American Saddlebred competition, such as any of the following: “open English pleasure”; “pleasure prospect”; “open to all breeds”; “pleasure”; opportunity classes, or any class other than Park Division classes in which a professional trainer is permitted to show a horse.
10. The Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show reserves to itself, without limitation, the sole and unconditional right to interpret any questions or dispute with regard to the interpretation of the above, including any ancillary questions, without further recourse, and its decision shall be final.