Kentucky State Fair Announces New Policies For The World's Championship Horse Show
Monday, April 20, 2015
The number of people with a horse in the make-up ring before an under saddle class will be limited to
three (3),for a harness class four (4). This is to ensure the safety of everyone involved. All others
involved with a horse should stay behind the concrete barriers, including personal photographers..
Individuals stabled in Barns A-O facing West and those stables in the North Wing facing the North aisle
are asked to not dismantle their stall decorations until the conclusion of the show on Saturday night.
Failure to do this may result in you being stabled in another location next year.
Individuals wishing to leave must load before and after the show in the morning/afternoon session and the
night session. You will not be allowed to load your equipment and horses during the show, this is to
prevent any inconvenience to the people still showing.
The chart below represents the number of tack stall charged at the regular price. Stalls ordered over this
number will be charged $350/stall. A horse that is entered and then scratched, but the stall not returned to
management will be charged an additional $350. You can order as few or as many as you want, this is the
base for the number of tack stalls for the price on the entry blank.
Number of Horses Number of Tack Stalls
1-2 2
3-6 3
7-10 4
11-15 5
16-20 6
21-25 7
26-30 8
31-35 9
36-40 10
41-45 11
46-50 12
51-55 13
56-60 13
There will be security cameras recording at all times in the following areas: Freedom Hall, make-up
ring, Stopher Walk, and the outside covered arena.