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Kentucky Horse Park Pavilion Update

This news release is to bring you up to date on the circumstances surrounding the Morgan Horse Pavilion at the Kentucky Horse Park (KHP). Many of you have contacted AMHI and AMHA seeking information, it is our hope the following will address your questions.

As you will recall, in 2008 AMHI embarked on a fundraising effort to underwrite the construction of a Morgan Pavilion at KHP. To-date roughly $4 million has been invested in the building, (which is approximately 70 percent complete).

To finalize the project and obtain the occupancy certificate will require an additional $1.5 million. The State of Kentucky, which owns the Park, will not allow work to continue until they have assurances that the entire $1.5 million has been raised. Until then, the KHP has taken possession of the building.

Over 200 engraved bricks were purchased by donors as part of the initial fundraising. Monies for the bricks are being held in escrow by AMHI, and the bricks are being stored virtually with, awaiting completion of the construction. Should building not be completed, the bricks will be sent to the donors or with their permission the bricks will be directed to another project (e.g. another horse park like the one being built in Colorado or North Carolina).

Many of you have inquired where AMHA fits into this. AMHA continues to support AMHI in its efforts through promotion of the project and most recently AMHA acquired the National Museum of the Morgan Horse, which would enable AMHI to focus more fully on three main projects: the Pavilion, the Morgan Weanling Gala, and Scholarships.

If you would like to make a donation or serve on the AMHI fundraising committee for the Pavilion, please contact AMHI President, Bob Morgan at [email protected].

Bob Morgan, AMHI President
Jeff Gove, AMHA President

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