2002 Judges Announced for World’s Championship Horse Show
Monday, February 11, 2002
Posted Fevruary 11, 2002 The judges for the 2002 Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show are: Armon Effinger, Evansville, Ind.; Tom Ferrebee, Westfield Center, Ohio; Gilbert Marcucci, Monmouth, Iowa; E H “Euchee” Matthews, Gainesville, Fla.; and Anne Speck, San Diego, Calif. The Hackney/Harness and Road Pony classes will be judged by Marcucci, Effinger, Ferrebee, Matthews, and Speck. Saddlebred and Road Horse classes will be judge by Effinger, Ferrebee, Matthews, and Speck. The Equitation classes will be judged by Effinger, Matthews, and Speck.
In order to show in the pleasure division at the 2002 Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show the horse must have shown in six (6) classes in the three (3) shows, in the specific division they are entering. The time span for eligibility is from August 26, 2001 to August 17, 2002. The shows do not have to be sanctioned by the USA Equestrian Association.
The prize list and entry blank for the 2002 Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show will be on the Kentucky State Fair web site in May. The web site address is www.kystatefair.org. For your convenience the entry blank and the prize list can be downloaded.