Judge Change for 2011 Morgan Grand National
Friday, August 26, 2011
Due to circumstances beyond our control, Lawrence Thurber of East Concord, New York will no longer be available to judge at the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show® in October.
Josh Merritt of Vernon, Vermont has accepted the position and will now handle all of Thurber’s judging assignments.
All eyes in the Morgan world will once again focus on Oklahoma City in October of 2011 as the city showcases some of the best athletes of America’s first breed.
Competition begins Saturday, October 8th with three shows daily through Saturday, October 15th. Show times will be at 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. each day.
For more information on this exceptional animal, check out the breeds website at www.morganhorse.com. Or, for more information on the 2011 horse show, you can log on to www.morgangrandnational.com.