J.D. Massey Updates
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The J.D. Massey Classic, held April 16-19, 2008, has added a Road Pony to Wagon class, Harness Pony and Cob Tail Pony UPHA Classics classes, and an ASB Show Pleasure Maiden Horse class, as well as a Ladies 3-Gaited Championship.
The Ladies' 5-Gaited Championship on Friday night has been designated as the UPHA Pink Ribbon Class. Contact Juliet McDonald (864-325-1275 or mcstonefield@aol.com) if you have someone you would like to honor.
They are also kicking off the show and the Museum opening with a Wine and Cheese party on Tuesday afternoon from 5-7. If you get into town on Tuesday, please plan to attend.
There's still time to submit memorabilia for the Museum, too! Contact Cynthia Kelly at (864) 918-4393 or redsergal@aol.com.