J.D. Massey Classic Updates
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The 78th annual J.D. Massey Classic Horse Show, scheduled for April 13-16, 2011, announces updates and added classes for 2011.
The following classes have been added to the 2011 schedule:
Hunter Country Pleasure (#34A - Thu a.m.)
Hunter Country Pleasure Championship (#73A - Fri a.m.)
Fine Harness Amateur Championship (#86A - Fri p.m.)
Five-Gaited Ladies Championship (#101A - Fri p.m.)
Check the web site for the complete, revised time schedule.
There has been a change of contact for the Progressive Barn Party scheduled for Thursday night. All barns interested in participating should contact Carolyn Teal at carolyn.teal@oracle.com or 864.376.0580 (cell).
The Exhibitors Party on Friday night is being produced by John and Erin Fann of EventMix who have earned a well-deserved reputation for the best parties in the Carolinas! Come prepared to party!
The 1st Annual Don Stafford Memorial Tack Room Contest will offer a free stall to the 2012 J.D. Massey Classic to the best dressed tack room.
J.D. Massey Classic is pleased to be a USEF Cup competition. For information about the new USEF Cup Incentive Program and learn how Saddlebred owners can qualify for $1,000 at year-end, go to www.usef.org/_IFrames/breedsDisciplines/breeds/USEFCup.aspx.
The J.D. Massey Classic Horse Show is a USEF "A" rated competition with exhibitors having the opportunity to earn CH points for their Saddlebreds in qualified classes.
For questions, contact show manager Dan Shirley at 864.630.1669 or dcsllc@charter.net or show secretary Beth Snider at 502.647.0076 or bethandscott@kih.net. The revised time schedule, downloadable prize list and entry forms are available at www.jdmasseyclassic.com.