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James Hale "Back in the Saddle"

The James Hale family had a great deal to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. James is recovering very well from injuries sustained after being kicked in the face by a horse at the Alabama Charity Championship Horse Show in October. Following reconstructive surgery, James is happily "back in the saddle" and has resumed all of his regular activities. He will have a follow up surgery in April, 2003 to make a few additional corrections.

The Hales would like to thank everyone in the saddlebred family for their concern, support and thoughtfulness. "People who I thought were too 'big time' to be worried about me picked up the phone and called or sent me a note. Many trainers - some from over 500 miles away - offered to come work our horses. Several who had sustained similar injuries offered words of encouragement - often at times when I needed it most. Friends sent food, helped Jackie in the barn, even offered to cut the grass," said James. "I have been overwhelmed with the tremendous response - I just didn't know I had so many friends."

James and Jackie wish everyone an extra special Holiday Season, as it will surely be one for them. They hope you will come visit them in person, or online, at

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