ISSRA Offering Opportunity for Individual Riders to Compete
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Intercollegiate Saddle Seat Riding Association (ISSRA), formed in the Spring of 2008, is offering the opportunity for individual riders to compete in upcoming shows, even if their school does not have a team.
Currently, six schools have teams that compete in ISSRA shows, including the University of Kentucky (UK), University of Louisville (UL), Morehead State University (MSU), Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), Northern Kentucky University, and Marshall University. Students from Transylvania University and Asbury University compete as independent riders, as these schools have yet to form teams.
In order to expand the Association, ISSRA would like to offer students from other colleges an opportunity to show at one of ISSRA’s shows this year. The dates for this year's shows are as follows:
Sunday, October 9 - at MSU; hosted by MSU
Saturday, November 12 - location TBA; hosted by EKU
Saturday, February 4 - at Zubrod Stables in Louisville, Kentucky; hosted by UL
Sunday, April 1 - location TBA; hosted by UK
Any full-time college student - undergraduate or graduate - may choose to show at any one of these shows for $125, and may subsequently show as an independent rider, or form a team at their school. Since there are additional yearly and semester fees associated with forming a team or riding as an independent rider, ISSRA would like to give students a chance to familiarize with the way the shows are run.
ISSRA shows run a much like World Cup. Each rider shows in an equitation rail class and a workout class. The rider draws a different horse for each class, and has minimal warm-up. The rider has the opportunity to collect team points as well as individual points. At the end, a High Point Team and a Reserve High Point Team are awarded. High Point Rider and Reserve High Point Rider awards are given to both Senior and Junior riders based on the number of individual points accumulated.
ISSRA has several levels of classes. Senior riders are divided into Open, Open Limit, Advanced, and Novice, while Junior riders are divided into Beginner Walk-Trot and Beginner Walk-Trot-Canter. There is a placement form that riders need to fill out in order to determine their division. As far as dress is concerned, riders show in the basic academy attire - shirt, vest, tie, and jods, no coat, no derby.
For more information contact Stephanie Sedlacko, Wingswept Farm, LLC, at (859) 887- 0955 (barn/fax), or at (410) 708-1201 (cell).