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Iona Miniature Horses Performing at Dayton

The 2015 rendition of the Dayton Horse Show is gearing up for July 29-August 1, at the historic Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Dayton, Ohio.  With a wealth of innovative events scheduled for the show, one of the special highlights is the Saturday Night Performance of World Champions Iona Miniature Horses, Clayton, Ohio.

These outstanding horses will bring even more excitement for Grand Championship Night with their display of In-Hand, Driving and Jumping which should be a delight to the spectators.  In addition, Iona Miniature Horses will give those at the show a chance to see these talented miniatures up close and personal.

This talented group of miniatures have traveled extensively as ambassadors for these beautiful yet competitive breed, and Dayton is so pleased to be able to have them show their talents this year.

The show is also noted for its beautiful awards given each year to the winner’s and this year will be no exception.  A new highlight for this years show will be The Best Of Show Award, given to the best overall performance.  Each session, one entry will be selected (known only to the judge of this event) and at the end of the show, with 7 sessions, and 7 entries chosen, Saturday Night will see who will be selected the overall Best In Show.          

With the events such as Food Truck Rodeo, Equine-Wine & Stein, sponsored by Gallo Wines debuting their Dark Horse brand, Dog Show, Hall of Fame, Trainer’s Brunch, Exhibitors Party, and a wonderful atmosphere

The big raffle this year will be The (Muke) Bucket overflowing with Wine & Spirits
with raffle tickets selling for $5:00 each.  This raffle is proving to be very successful even before the show begins.  Tickets are available through any Dayton Horse Show Board Member, Evette Moody-Steve Carne-Wade Flory-Ed Molen-Jinx Fisher-Erin Schwanitz Vogt-Chris Caupp-Kris Klopf-Don Fugate, Tammy Ross-Aaron Collett-Irene Hodge-Cindy Neibel- Bill Castro or Tim Doll

Again Kroger Company will supply the apples and carrots for the horses and yes exhibitors and peppermints donated by a friend of the Dayton Horse Show.  As in past years water and pop will be handed out to exhibitors while unloading, the shows way of saying, “We are glad you are here.”

And first and foremost our long time supporters and sponsors for their undying dedication to this long standing horse show.

For Show Information, Show Manager Evette Moody at 937-623-7934 [email protected], Food Truck Rodeo & Equine-Wine & Stein, Bill Castro at 937-470-2178 [email protected], Tim Doll at 704-797-6134 or [email protected],Promotion/ProgramAdvertising.   

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