Hylee Farm Production And Consignment Auction
Monday, September 19, 2011
HyLee Farm will hold its 4th HyLee Production and Consignment Auction on October 29th beginning at 11:00AM. “I am so impressed with the quality and selection of horses consigned to the auction this year”, says Jackie Sweeney. “I was slow to decide what HyLee horses I was going to put into the auction this year and next thing I knew I had this great group of horses consigned and had not much room for my own.”
There are consignments from: Saralin Farm, Aerie Meadow Morgans, Arcola Morgans, Wind Blu Farm, Wingait Farm, Tripoly Morgans, and Troika Farm to mention a few. Horses are being prepared by the following agents: Merriehill Farm, Eastwich Farm, Stone Ledge Farm, Copper Leaf Farm, Steve DeBolt, Susan Walker and Terry Rutledge, and Curtis Childers. There are some wonderful horses trained for trail riding, horses suitable for lesson programs, prospects who are well started and solid in their basics in training, amateur/ladies/junior exhibitor horses, high end show stock in the hunter-English pleasure-western-park-pleasure driving and carriage. Even though people consider the breeding market down there are half a dozen of the best quality mares in the country. Young beautifully bred mares and proven producers of winners are all bred to top quality stallions.
The Preview at 5PM on Friday October 28th offers buyers the opportunity to see each consignment going through in catalog order and afterwards go and talk to the owners/agents and discuss the horse or even ride or drive the horse. Sale organizers have found that this has been very beneficial to the sellers and the buyers. Many of the new owners from previous auctions have been successful with their new purchases.
The auction will be held at HyLee Farms, 3460 County Road JG, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. Bill Addis will serve as auctioneer and DV Auctions will have live webcasts of the preview Friday the 28th at 5PM and then live auction and live bidding on Saturday October 29th at 11AM. Check out the HyLee Farm.com website and go to “View Catalog Horses” where you can see the consigned horses prior to the catalog being released. For more information email: Hylee@mhtc.net or call 608-437-5530. To apply for information on seeing the auction or bidding live on the 29th contact kate@dvauctions.com or call 402-649-8048