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Hollow Haven Farm's annual Christmas party was a very special event this year. Held on Saturday night, December 7, it was the first party hosted in Andy and Lynda Freseth's new home, located on the beautiful, rolling grounds of Hollow Haven Farm. To say the new home is breathtaking would be an understatement, and seeing it decorated for the holidays even enhanced its tasteful decor. Lynda Freseth has always had a great eye for decorating, as well as horses, and is responsible selecting the majority of the decor. Combined with Andy's love for architecture and both of their attention to detail, their new home is a show stopper. The house is so unique, it has already been photographed by area design magazines and will be featured in later issues.

The couple has incorporated their love for horses and their customers into various spots of the house. The back stairwell and hallway are lined with large pictures of their various World Champions, showing a history of their last 20 years of success. Special touches incorporated into the home include a barn door from the original Hollow Haven Farm in Minnesota. The door now serves as an entry to the kitchen pantry, and contributes to the eclectic flair throughout the house. In additional to completing decorating tasks on their home prior to the party, Lynda also made many of her own Christmas decorations, and the majority of the food that was served.

Customers from several states came to enjoy the evening as well as other trainers from the surrounding area. Everyone there knew about a special surprise that was taking place that night..... everybody that is, except Andy. Midway through the evening, Lynda brought Andy front and center, as the guests gathered around him to sing "Happy Birthday". Andy's 50th birthday was just a few days away on December 9. Saying he didn't want to turn the event into a birthday party for himself, Andy reluctantly agreed to open his gift from Lynda. He was surprised and elated to find Lynda had purchased a cruise for the two of them and they were leaving in 36 hours!

What a wonderful way to wind down the year, and celebrate a birthday. For Hollow Haven Farm, and Lynda and Andy Freseth, it was a year filled with World and National Championships, and a dream-come-true new home. For their customers, it has been a year filled with success and gratitude to the trainers that helped them achieve it.

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