2011 Great River Benefit Horse Show
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Great River Benefit Horse Show is pleased to announce Cash Lovell, Winston-Salem, NC will be judging this year’s show. This year’s show will also offer several new divisions and classes. An ASB Park Harness Division has been added along with an assortment of Iowa-Owned classes. The Equitation Division has also been expanded to include the NHS Good Hands class and also the MHSA Medallion.
The Great River Benefit Horse Show is held at the beautiful Iowa Equestrian Center www.iowaequestrian.com in Cedar Rapids, IA on May 13-15, 2011. The shows long-standing reputation of great hospitality, friendly staff, and exciting competition will also be in full force. For information please contact Show Secretary Nancy Weber at 309.791.0025 (home) or 563.260.3245 (cell). Show bills will be in the mail soon or they can also be downloaded at www.horseshowcalendar.com. Show Manager Mark Weber can also be reached at 563.260.2981 or markweber100@comcast.net.