Free Webcast Announced for Morgan Grand National
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show® has joined forces with Markel, RaDon, Marsha de Arriaga and Hawk Multimedia to bring all the fun and excitement of this year’s show to you LIVE and FREE.
All three performance arenas will be offered to you live throughout the week beginning October 8th and continuing through the last class on the evening of October 15th. For more information, stay tuned
All eyes in the Morgan world will once again focus on Oklahoma City in less than two weeks as the city showcases some of the best athletes of America’s first breed.
Competition begins Saturday, October 8th with three shows daily through Saturday, October 15th. Show times will be at 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. each day.
Markel Insurance Company is known for years of quality to service to the Morgan world. RaDon Incorporated has a tradition of quality when it comes to fine horse apparel. And, Marsha de Arriaga is without a doubt the tailor of the stars when it comes to riding apparel with classic lines and elegance.
In addition to the free live broadcasts, Hawk Multimedia will also offer paid subscriptions for access to replays of all the shows activities
For more information on this exceptional animal, check out the breeds website Or, for more information on the 2011 horse show, you can log on to