FarmVet Official Health Care Provider of AMHA
Monday, March 28, 2011
SHELBURNE, VT—The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) is pleased to announce that FarmVet is now its official horse health care provider. FarmVet is a national source for animal health products and supplies.
"FarmVet is a known and trusted source for equine health care so AMHA is pleased to have them come on board as the official horse health care provider," said Julie Broadway, AMHA executive director. FarmVet also will offer current AMHA members discounts on their web-based orders. This is a real win-win."
With this new business relationship, all current AMHA members will receive a 5 percent discount on all online orders from FarmVet's website, by using the coupon code FVAMHA.
"FarmVet is excited to be a new sponsor of the AMHA and is looking forward to starting a relationship with the Morgan horse community," said FarmVet President, Christian Currey.