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Equine Services Roadster Cup 2011

The Equine Services Roadster Cup is an incentive program to help boost the Road Horse and Road Pony Division. This program will help contribute to the growth and prosperity of the show horse industry. The intent is to promote a high caliber event and generate greater prize money for the Road Horse and Pony division.

We are pleased to announce some new changes for the 2011 show season. The nomination fee has dropped to $50 to nominate your horses and ponies. We are adding some new divisions that will be able to count for incentive points. For the Road Horses we have added all Roadster Wagon and Under Saddle classes. To show in the final championship class wagon and under saddle horses will have to show to the bike. Prize amount for the Roadster Cup will be an excess of $25,000 or more! New for the Pony Cup we have also added new divisions that will count for incentive points: Wagon Ponies, Junior Exhibitor Road Ponies and Junior Exhibitor Road pony under saddle. Wagon and Under Saddle ponies will have to show to the bike in the final championship class. The monies that the Junior Exhibitors win will go into a scholarship fund for their college education. The prize amount for the Road Pony Cup has increased for 2011. It will be an excess of $15,000 or more. Please visit our web site for all rules and information.

The Equine Roadster Horse Cup incentive points are offered in the following divisions: Road Horse Open, Road Horse Championship, Novice/Limit, Amateur, Amateur Championship, Wagon, Amateur Wagon, Wagon Championship, Ladies/Gentlemens, Open Under Saddle, Amateur Under Saddle and Under Saddle Championship. All Wagon and Under Saddle Horses will have to show in the bike to compete in the final Championship class.

The Equine Roadster Pony Cup incentive points are offered in the following divisions: Open Road Pony, Open Championship, Amateur, Amateur Championship, Junior Pony, Novice/Limit, Under/Over 52, Ladies/Gentlemen, Wagon, Wagon Championship, Junior Exhibitor Road Pony, Junior Exhibitor Championship, Junior Exhib Under Saddle and Junior Exhib Under Saddle Championship. All Wagon and Under Saddle Ponies will have to show in the bike to compete in the final championship class.

RULES FOR ENTERING: Road horse exhibitors must be 18 years of age or older. Horses must be registered with the USTA in the current owners name. Ponies must be registered with the AHHS in the current owners name. A non-refundable eligibility fee of $50 per horse/pony to be paid to the the Equine Roadster Cup. Horse/Pony may join anytime time to the incentive program and points will begin when horse/pony has been nominated. Payment of eligibility fee will be made in the name of the entered horse/pony and will make that horse/pony eligible.

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