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Equine Obituary - CH Impressive Ruler

A.K.A. Bubba

1985 - 2015

CH Impressive Ruler a.k.a Bubba, was humanely laid to rest on October 16th at Strohfus Stock Farm in Hastings, Minnesota.

Bubba was born April 1, 1985 in Texas. After a few previous owners, Mary Strohfus purchased him at the age of seven. He was a big handsome bay gelding, by Golden Ruler and out of My Victoria, a Wing Commander grand daughter. For many of the years Strohfus owned him, she was an Amateur/Owner/Trainer and they competed as such.

His first claim to fame was when he garnered the 1992 National Pleasure Driving award under the guidance of trainer Pat Wessel. Bubba received years of local, state and national awards as a show/country pleasure horse. In 1995 Strohfus decided to become an Amateur/Owner/Trainer and see what she could do with Bubba on her own. With Kitty Theis as head groom and best friend to Strohfus, they made their first of four victory passes in In the Shatner Western Finals, in 1997 Bubba unanimously won his first Saddle & Bridle’s Shatner World Championship.

Bubba was a great ambassador for the Saddlebred and had a long and successful show ring career, including winning the Saddle & Bridle’s Shatner Finals four times, Saddle & Bridle’s Working Western Finals three times AND the Saddle & Bridle’s Hunter Seat Classic Finals. He is one of only two horses in the history of the Saddle & Bridle Finals to have won all three championships. According to the ASHA website, he has won over 140 classes, with one of them being as large as 34 entries. More than likely, there are over another 100 wins that do not appear on the website.

In 2007 Bubba placed third in both the Western Country Pleasure Invitational qualifier and championship classes at the world championship show in Louisville, Kentucky. This was to be Bubba’s last performance. He did however, travel to St. Louis that same year where he received his induction into the Saddle & Bridle’s Western Horse Hall of Fame. He was officially retired while in St. Louis in 2007. His hometown fans back in Minnesota enjoyed his second retirement ceremony back at home during the Octoberfest show the following month.

Bubba horse was more than just a “show horse”. While in retirement, he was a nanny to many playful colts and soon taught them social manners. He taught yearlings how to lead by having them tied along side him as Strohfus rode him. But most importantly, he was there for Strohfus when she needed a shoulder to lean on, to cry on and confide in.

“Thanks to my late husband Norm for being so supportive in my life with Bubba. A special thank you to my stepson John, who made it all possible for Bubba to be buried on our farm” Mary posted on Facebook shortly after his passing.

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