2015 Equine Art Auction to Feature Online Bidding - Consignments Now Being Accepted
Monday, January 26, 2015
For the first time ever, the American Saddlebred Museum’s Equine Art, Antique and Rare Book Auction will feature online bidding. Liveauctioneers.com, a site that has carved a niche in equine artwork, will host online bidding for the event. “This enhancement should help our consignors items reach a worldwide audience of horse enthusiasts, as well as realize the maximum value,” said Tolley Graves, auction coordinator. “The site will host our auction catalog, post our auction dates and notify those buyers interested in equine art.”
The Museum is now accepting consignments to be considered for inclusion in the 2015 version of the event. The auction will be held on Saturday July 11th at the Museum’s Showplace for Saddlebreds in conjunction with the Lexington Jr. League Horse Show. Deadline for submission of consignments is March 25, 2015. For those who may have an interest, Breyerfest will not be going on at the Horse Park during that weekend.
Since its inception in 2004, total gross sales for all ten previous auctions are $1,611,662.
Due to the demand for and popularity of George Ford Morris artwork, any sporting subject matter by Morris will be considered. His scope of work included, but was not limited to dogs, cattle, poultry, multiple breeds of horses, ponies and cats as well as advertising programs and posters.
The auction is open to equine-themed artwork in any medium, by any artist, as well as rare books, unique equine antiques and historic artifacts. If you buy, sell, collect or create paintings, pastels, sculptures, charcoals, prints, carvings, etchings, antiques, jewelry, rare books or historic artifacts, you’ll want to take note of this sales/marketing opportunity. In addition to Saddlebreds, coaching, Standardbred, Morgan, Draft, Hackney, Thoroughbred and hunting and jumping themes have become popular at the venue The Museum publishes a four-color catalogue for this sale that is mailed to some 650 interested buyers.
If you have any items you’d like to offer for sale, need more information or would like to receive a consignment contract, conditions of sale or an auction catalogue, please contact Tolley Graves at the Museum at 859-259-2746. The results of all past auctions can be viewed on the Museum’s website, www.asbmuseum.org.