Enroll in the ASR Sport Horse Incentive Program by April 1, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Don’t miss out on your chance to earn prize money with your American Saddlebred or Half-Saddlebred through the ASR Sport Horse Incentive Program.
To be eligible, horses must be registered with the American Saddlebred Registry and Half-Saddlebreds must be registered with the Half-Saddlebred Registry of America. Owners must be a current competing member in good standing with the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA).
If enrolled by April 1, 2015, points earned for the entire competition year (December 1 – November 30) will be considered towards final scores in the program. If enrolled after April 1, 2015, points will count only for the period beginning five days before the enrollment form is sent to the ASR office. The enrollment fee has been reduced to $100 for the 2015 competition year. Enrollment forms are available here.
Eligible competitions/events are limited to those recognized by USEF, FEI, EC, USDF, WDAA, USHJA, ADS, AERC, NRHA, USEA, NATRC and ACTHA. Eligible all-breed disciplines are Dressage, Western/Cowboy Dressage, Hunters, Jumpers, Combined Driving, Pleasure Driving, Reining, Eventing, Endurance, Limited Distance and Competitive Trail.
The owner or agent of an eligible horse enrolled in the program is responsible for submitting competition results to the ASR office no later than December 15 of the competition year.
For more information on Sport Horse Programs, please e-mail Patricia Edwards at [email protected] or Katriona Adams at [email protected].