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Donations Sought For Ebay To Update AMHA Website

During the last couple of years, the AMHI and AMHA have been doing a combined Internet auction on Ebay. Through this joint effort, more than $40,000 has been raised to purchase items for the AMHA office that will in turn benefit the Morgan membership. As you might know, the funds raised through this auction have helped to purchase a new laser printer, telephone and voice mail system, computers. We now face our biggest endeavor of helping to raise money to pay for a new facelift to the AMHA website.

AMHA President Sherry Cole, who also serves on the Auction committee, states: "Our goal for this year will be to raise funds to pay for a new website design. Our website has become one of the most vital communication vehicles we have with Morgan lovers. The site has grown to a massive size and needs redesigning for both eye appeal and ability to maneuver within the site."

As we know, there is no extra money floating around these days, and those who use the Internet and the website and have access to Ebay can be the catalyst to get a jump start on this project. We can only do the auction if we have donations, and we are in desperate need of items, both horsey and non-horsey to meet our goal. Please check your shelves, attics, closets, garages, basements, and anywhere else that you might have a valuable item or items that will help us out. Now is the perfect time to send any Christmas items, decorations or something for a present. These might include presents you have never ever used and would like to see someone else enjoy!

Remember your item is tax deductible through the American Morgan Horse Institute, so you will receive a taxable donation on your item. This will benefit the Morgan community and those that use the Internet.

Items can be brought to the Morgan Grand National Horse Show in OKC if you are going there, or sent to: Barb Rudicel, AMHA/AMHI Auction, 6839 W. Isanogel Rd., Muncie, IN 47304. (We have an over abundance of 1970s-1990s THE MORGAN HORSE magazines, so we do not need those.) Remember that Ebay is available to anyone on the Internet, so it does not have to be a horsey item.

Visit our auction site by going to, scroll down, and click on AMHI Ebay Auction.

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