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Don Harris Celebrates 80th Birthday

On March 11, 2011, Don Harris officially turned 80 years young! On March 12, 2011, some 200 of his friends and family gathered at the Museum to celebrate the happy occasion. Did you know that CH Imperator’s birthday is also March 11th? It seems fitting and appropriate that both of those events be celebrated at one time – so they were!

Admirers and friends came from near and far to join in the celebration and thank Don for the countless contributions he has made to the promotion of the Saddlebred during his lifetime. A video compiled by USEF for his recent lifetime achievement award ran continuously in the glass theater. The two side theaters showed a video of Don and Judy Harris performing at UPHA Chapter 14’s Symphony for Horses aboard Callaway’s Criterion and HVK Bell Flaire, and footage of Don exhibiting CHImperator at his farm. Additionally, several paintings of Don aboard some of his World’s Grand Champions were displayed throughout the Museum.

The party was sponsored by family and friends, including Angela Harris Herrin and family, Jeff Harris and family, Kaye Bowles-Durnell, Carson Kressley and Ricky Cook. Don took time to autograph posters, dvd’s and prints for many of the guests and handled turning 80 as graciously as he does everything else.

His only request for the evening was that he not receive gifts. Instead, he asked that people make a donation to the Museum. If you were unable to attend the party, but want to remember Don’s birthday and honor him with a donation to the Museum, it’s not too late to do so. You can call the Museum at 800-829-4438 or go online at, select ‘In Honor of’ and in the comment box at the bottom of the form, note it is in honor of Don Harris. The Museum will notify Don of your gift.

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