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Dixie Cup Spring Classic Adds Pink Ribbon Class

The Dixie Cup Spring Classic has announced that by request they have added the UPHA Pink Ribbon Class.

It will be class # 58, the Ladies Five Gaited Class, to be held on Friday Morning. Exhibitors are asked to wear pink on Friday. As a special incentive, a Special Presentation will be made to the exhibitor who brings in the most sponsorships for this class. Every exhibitor at the show will be given a pink ribbon lapel pin to wear while showing at the Dixie Cup. We hope these pins will be worn throughout the year to help raise the level of awareness about the need to find a cure for this disease.

In other news, ASB Park Pleasure - Junior Horse has been added on Thursday Morning.

The website will be updated this weekend with the Breast Cancer Sponsorship Form and Revised Class Schedule which will highlight class changes.

For further information, contact Barbara Goda at 770-475-1244 ( or visit the website at

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