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Diana Swanson Joins Franklin Riding Academy

Accomplished Morgan Horse trainer and instructor Diana Swanson has joined Franklin Riding Academy, owned by David and Karla Landrum. Swanson brings a wealth of experience in many breeds to the saddle seat lesson program. Most recently she has spent 18 years at the renowned Tara Farm in North Carolina, assisting in training and instructing countless World and Grand National Champions.

Swanson grew up in Parker, Colorado where she rode Arabians, Morgans and American Saddlebreds in prestigious competitions including the Morgan Grand National, the World’s Championship Horse Show, the American Royal, the US Arabian Nationals and the Canadian Arabian Nationals.

Swanson learned a great deal from her mentor and brother Bruce Dixon, as well as legendary trainers in the area Martin Cockriel, Jim Cockriel and Ed Robinson. She graduated from Colorado State University, got married and had her daughter Ashley. Initially at Silver Creek Stables, and later at Tara Farm, Diana instructed amateurs and junior exhibitors of all ages in both riding and driving.

Diana has served on the board of the American Morgan Horse Association, has been the president of the Virginia-Carolinas Morgan Horse Club, has been instrumental in putting on the Southern States Horse Show and is a member of the United Professional Horseman’s Association.

She is excited about joining and growing the lesson program at Franklin Riding Academy in a region that is rich with saddle seat history.

“Karla and I are excited to have someone of Diana’s status to come join us at Franklin Riding Academy,” said David Landrum. “We are extremely proud of our newly expanded state of the art facility which provides riders multiple riding venues regardless of the weather. We serve a variety of saddle seat riders from young and adult beginners to accomplished riders wanting to stay legged up. We have a great year planned for 2015 and look forward to attending horse shows all across the South and offering truly unique opportunities for saddle seat camps and clinics.”

To find out more about Franklin Riding Academy, contact David, Karla or Diana at 615-790-0312 or [email protected].

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