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Denver Queen City Horse Show has new plans for 2015!

The Denver Queen City Horse Show (DQCHS) is making some exciting changes to the horse show in 2015!

The prestigious Colorado Saddlebred State Championships and the Centennial State Regional Peruvian Championships will continue to be held at the Denver Queen City Horse Show.  Judging Saddlebred, Academy and Open classes this year is Mary Jo Schmidt from Tampa, Florida.  Peruvian Horses will be judged by the honorable Amador Carrera.  The horse show is held at the National Western Events Center, 1515 East 47th Avenue, Denver, Colorado.  This grand facility features a large show ring, warm up arena and stalling all under one roof!  It also offers warm water wash racks at the end of every other aisle and electricity at every other stall.  Denver Queen City is in its 47th year and will be held July 16-18, 2015.  Entries close on June 19 and post entries are accepted.  Two sessions are held daily at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.  Each evening will open with a grand entry presentation by the world famous Westernaires!

Queen City would like to encourage out of state barns to come to Denver!  ALL out of state barns who bring, enter, and show at least five different horses will be awarded $500 in CASH to the trainer!!  Additional cash prizes will be awarded as well.  Other cash awards include $250 to the trainer who wins the most blue ribbons at the show and $250 to the trainer who brings the most horses to the show.  Additionally, a name will be drawn each night following the evening performance for a $50 cash prize.  All horse show participants are eligible to win.

This year the horse show has hired David “Tuffy” Owens as our technical coordinator.  Tuffy brings a new, fresh outlook and professionalism to the show.  We are excited to have him on board!  Another new addition to Denver Queen City are ring side boxes.  These boxes will have a table and chairs for 8 people to watch the horse show.  Box seating will be available from the start of the show on Thursday morning to the end of the performance on Saturday afternoon for a fee of $200. 

Saturday night the ring side boxes will be converted to a sit down, fine dining charity event.  The charity dinner will be a top sirloin, with salad, bread, dessert and wine service for the benefit of the Colorado Horsecare Foodbank.  Colorado Horsecare Foodbank is an organization that provides feed to horses in need.  Applicants go through a thorough screening process before grants are provided and then are closely monitored while in the program.  The Colorado Horsecare Foodbank was the primary provider of feed for horses in need during the floods in Northern Colorado and during the Black Forest fires in 2013.  Tickets to the dinner are $125 per person or $1,000 per table and are partially tax deductible.  Participants in the dinner are encouraged to dress in cocktail attire.
Friday night features the biggest horse show party of the summer, which is free to all show participants!  A grand dinner is catered by Maggiano’s, entertainment is provided by the Colorado American Saddlebred Horse Association and a cash bar is provided by the Centennial State Peruvian Horse Club.  Tony David the Entertainer will be performing this year, so be sure to bring your dancing shoes!  He is quite the entertainer!  It’s the most fun you’ll have all summer!!

The 47th Denver Queen City Horse Show is a USEF rated show offering a full schedule for Saddlebreds plus Peruvian Horses, Academy Classes, Open Breed Classes and Saddle Seat Equitation.  The show features the Colorado American Saddlebred State Championships, Colorado American Saddlebred Futurity, and the Centennial State Regional Championship Peruvian Horse Show and awards over $5,000 in total prize money.

Come and join us in the beautiful state of Colorado for a vacation AND a horse show! Colorado offers many wonderful vacation opportunities!  We hope to see you at the show!
For more information and/or a prize list, contact Stacey Kipper-Perrelli at 7033 South Versailles Street, Aurora, Colorado  80016; 303-766-6985 (home), 303-619-8699 (cell), or e-mail at [email protected].  Also see for more information.

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