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Deardorff Stable Press Release

It is with unfathomable sadness that we report the loss of six horses in a trailer fire on Sunday morning, July 6, 2008. Don and Allison Deardorff were returning from the Santa Barbara National Horse Show in California when the horse trailer they were towing caught fire at the Los Banos exit on Interstate 5. Within a tragically short period of time the trailer was engulfed in flames which reached above the roof. All the horses were lost.

Lost in the fire were:
CH Doubletrees Lymrique owned by Pat and Kelle Howard
Doubletrees Bouquet of Blue owned by Lisa Fulgaro
Doubletrees Caper Style owned by Karen Lachman
Doubletrees Royal Request owned by Leslie Pierce
The Intimidator owned by James Nottage
Truly A Masterpiece owned by Colleen Gadbois

Our sympathies go out to the owners, their riders, Don, Brooke and Allison Deardorff, and to all who loved these horses.

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