Deadline Extended for Reduced Hotel Rates for ASHA Convention
Friday, January 28, 2011
Lexington, Kentucky - The deadline to receive discounted hotel room reservation rates at the Griffin Gate Marriott Resort & Spa, for the 2011 ASHA Convention & Youth Conference, has been extended to Friday, February 4.
Attendees at the 2011 ASHA Convention & Youth Conference, set to take place beginning Thursday, February 17, through Saturday, February 19, have the opportunity to reserve rooms at the Marriott Griffin Gate Spa and Resort at a discounted nightly rate of $109, if reservations are made by Friday, February 4. Reservations can be made by calling (800) 228-9290, or online.
Attendees can also receive a discounted registration rate if registrations are received on or before Friday, February 4. A Registration Package for the Convention includes admission to the all seminars and forums, as well as the ASHA Awards Luncheon, Reception Honoring Equitation, ASHA Annual Members Luncheon, and the grand finale of the Annual Convention, the Saddlebred Gala.
A discounted registration rate is also available for attendees of the 2011 ASHA Youth Conference. For registrations received on or before Friday, February 4, a complete Youth Registration Package can be purchased at a reduced rate. A complete Youth Registration Package includes all Friday night activities, Awards Breakfast, Field Trip and Youth Awards Luncheon.
When making reservations by phone, be sure to identify that you are part of the American Saddlebred Horse Association Annual Convention & Youth Conference.
For more information about the 2011 ASHA Annual Convention & Youth Conference, visit the ASHA website at