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Dayton Horse Show Highlights Special Events

The 2015 Dayton Horse Show scheduled for July 29-August 1, will once again be held at the historic Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Dayton, Ohio.  The board of directors are working hard to bring to the show this year not only the addition of new classes, but some special events that are drawing lost of attention from both the public and those who have supported the show throughout its many years.

While some popular events remain, Hall of Fame, Trainer’s Brunch, Exhibitor’s Party, Silent Auction and Dog Show, two specialty events have generated considerable conversation.  The first is the EQUINE-WINE & STEIN, Dayton’s New Taste Test, a wine and beer tasting at its finest, with a cost of $35.00 per person which includes delectable appetizers, a complimentary wine glass with the sponsors name and the name of the horse show.  The wine glass will have the DARK HORSE logo, which is the new wine of the events sponsor, GALLO WINE COMPANY, the board is excited about this company joining the show.  This event is slated for July 30, 6-8 pm.
The second specialty is the FOOD TRUCK RALLY, at present 6 trucks will participate in this event on opening night, Wednesday, July 29.  In addition, there will be 2 food trucks during the remaining days of the show.  The Food Truck craze is becoming so popular that the board decided to venture into this popular event.
While the shows benefactor THE THERAPEUTIC RIDING INSTITUTE (TRI) will do a touching presentation on Friday evening, July 31, this is one of many reasons the show is so pleased to work with this popular organization who helps children, adults and veterans with challenges through the wonderful aid of horses, you won’t want to miss this presentation.
The board of directors are working hard to bring more of the public into the grandstand.  While spectators remain about the same each year, the Friday and Saturday sessions while much increase of spectators is visible, a harder push is being done to bring more people in to experience this fun filled four day event.  A concentrated effort is being made to promote the show via, fliers, posters, news papers both local, surrounding areas and equine publications with digital billboards located at specific locations for maximum visibility, as well as stationary marques at local businesses.
One can’t forget the fun filled and entertaining presentation August 1, center ring will be the IONA MINIATURE HORSES, Clayton, Ohio who will perform for the first time, prime time, Saturday night.  This presentation will be enjoyed by all who attend the show.
Once again the show will provide water and pop while the exhibitors are unloading, which has become a tradition and once again KROGER will provide apples and carrots for the horses/exhibitors to enjoy, complete with peppermints.  The show is also pleased to be in partnership with James Investment who has gone beyond what is expected to insure the success of the show.

Horse Show Information: Evette Moody, Show Manager, 937-623-7934 [email protected] Wine & Stein, Food Truck Rodeo, Bill Castro, 937-470-2178 [email protected] or Promotion/Program Advertising, Tim Doll, 704-797-6134 or [email protected]

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