Dayton Horse Show Announces Judge and Events
Monday, April 13, 2015
The 2015 Dayton Horse Show held at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Dayton, Ohio slated for July 29-August 1, has selected Lynda Freseth of Oconomowoc, Wisc., the assignment of judging this four day event.
Lynda along with husband Andy who manage the helm at their highly successful Hollow Haven Farm comes with a wealth of knowledge having trained numerous World and National Champion American Saddlebreds more than qualifies her to handle the assignment.
The 2015 rendition of the show is playing host to several innovative events slated throughout the four days. Drawing lots of attention is the Food Truck Rodeo scheduled for opening night, Wednesday the 29th. Thursday, July 30th, will be introduced an exciting new concept for Dayton drawing considerable attention is the Equine-Wine & Stein, a wine and beer tasting at its finest, 6-8pm.
This years show with some of the remaining honor guard along with new board members are working hard to make this four day event something the owners, trainers and exhibitors will long remember, sponsors, advertisers and vendors will be proud to be a part of the show as well.
The shows benefactor is the Therapeutic Riding Institute a local organization who over the years have helped many children, adults and veterans with developmental challenges. The show is proud to partner with this truly remarkable organization.
More horse show information can be obtained by contacting: Show Manager, Evette Moody, 937-623-7934 or [email protected]., Food Truck Rodeo, Equine Wine & Stein, Bill Castro, 937-470-2178 [email protected], O Promotion/Program Advertising, Tim Doll, 704-797-6134 or [email protected].