COVID-19 Re-Opening Resources
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
USEF Licensed Competitions COVID-19 Toolkit
Ensuring the safety and welfare of horses, participants, and all stakeholders at US Equestrian Competitions remains a top priority of US Equestrian. In today’s environment, this has become even more important. Below you will find tools to assist US Equestrian Competition Organizers as well as competitors and participants with managing risks associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
USEF COVID-19 Action Plan for Licensed Competitions
Requirements and Recommendations for Operating USEF-Licensed Competitions in the COVID-19 Environment
USEF 2020 Planning for a Safe Return to Competition Video Webinar
USEF COVID-19 Webinar for planning a safe return to competitions for USEF horse shows in 2020.
JLC Suggested Barn Re-Opening Best Practices and Communication Templates
The Joint Leadership Council would like to share a Suggested Best Practices for Operating Barns in the COVID-19 Environment along with suggested templates for an Equine Industry Re-Opening Plan Presentation to Legislative Leaders and Equine Industry Re-Opening Plan Letter Legislative Leaders in your state or region.
JLC Recommended Best Practices for Operating Competitions in the COVID-19 Environment
Suggested Best Practices from the JLC for organizers to consider as they plan for events and take steps to help competitors and staff stay as safe as possible
WHO Mass Gatherings for Sports Risk Assessment Tool
Guidance for the use of the WHO Mass Gathering Sports Addendum Risk Assessment tools in the context of COVID-19 Guidance for organizers of sports events planning mass gatherings during the current outbreak of COVID-19
CDC Resources for Large Community Events and Mass Gatherings
Guidance to plan, prepare, and respond to COVID-19 for organizers of public gatherings and community events.
State By State COVID-19 Resources
Assisting businesses with evolving COVID-19 orders and helping them return to work.