Combining Education & Adventure: UC-Davis Extension Offers Outdoor Exploration Courses
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Open House for Horse Programs: Join fellow horse enthusiasts for dinner and learn about horsepacking adventure courses coming this spring and summer. Instructor Craig London's presentation includes slides showing horsepacking excursions. This three-hour orientation and dinner is for anyone interested in attending either Mustangs: A Living Legacy or Mountain Horsemanship: Veterinary Care and Horsepacking in the Wilderness. The open house is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, from 6-9 p.m. on the UC Davis campus, and the fee is $20.
Mustangs: A Living Legacy is an extremely popular annual educational trek, offered exclusively through UC Davis Extension. The program is a special opportunity that combines a superb outdoor adventure and a unique educational experience in exploring the biology, ecology and behavior of a proud and beautiful animal - the North American wild horse. The course is scheduled for Saturday-Tuesday, June 7-10, and the fee is $750, that includes horse rental, pack animals, personnel, camping equipment and meals. Participants are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the designated meeting place in Bishop, California, as well as providing sleeping bags and other personal belongings.
Mountain Horsemanship: Veterinary Care and Horsepacking in the Wilderness takes place in the Golden Trout Wilderness. Participants ride on horseback, exploring the rich meadow, creek and lake surroundings, learning horsepacking skills and veterinary care, and stopping to enjoy great fishing and hiking spots. The course is scheduled for Saturday-Friday, July 12-18 or July 19-25, and the fee is $1,400. This includes horse rental, pack animals, personnel, camping equipment and meals. Participants are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the designated meeting place in Lone Pine, California, as well as providing sleeping bags and other personal belongings.
For more information or to enroll in any of the above programs, visit or call toll free (800) 752-0881.