Circle J Futurity Ceasing Operations
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
It is with a great deal of deliberation and sadness that the Circle J Futurity announces it is ceasing operations. This decision was a joint decision of the Circle J Futurity officers and the Circle J Regional Morgan Horse Association Board.
Over the last several years, sustaining the Futurity has been very difficult. The Futurity was established to aid breeders, showcase their yearling stock and feature our Morgan stallions. As fewer and fewer Morgan owners breed and those that do breed, breed less foals, there was less interest in a stallion service auction. And many were looking for deals on stallion services, not looking to pay the stallion’s advertised fee.
With fewer breeders, stallion owners are finding it difficult to support a stallion, let alone donate a stallion service to the various and worthy auctions that are asking for support. We have tried to solicit other auction items and although somewhat successful, we find it impossible to bring in the funds necessary to provide reasonable, enticing prize money necessary and to provide for a quality event.
As a result of this decision, there will be no Circle J Futurity Auction in early 2016 and no Futurity in conjunction with the 2016 and 2017 Circle J Regional Morgan Horse show. Those of you who have been winning bidders on stallion services and other items, but have not used those items, may still do so. Stallion owners will honor their donated services (per the stallion's contract), as will the donors of other items.
For those of you who hoped to have a competitive yearling for 2016 or 2017, we apologize and hope that you understand our decision. We also hope that you will consider showing your yearling in the Circle J Regional show yearling classes.
We thank you all for your support over the years and wish you great success with your Morgan Horse endeavors. The Circle J Futurity has had a great run of wonderful yearlings starting in 1996 with Faith Hill, owned by Ridgewood Farm and continuing with our 2015 champion TCW Miss Tris, owned by Rick and Jan Lindeberg. Both fillies were presented by Phil Fountain.
If you have any questions please contact Julie Ouska, [email protected], 970-396-1177 or Marilyn Esteb [email protected], 303-681-2672.