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Changes to Youth Activities at Morgan Grand National

Starting in 2011, the American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) Youth Activities that take place at the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show® in Oklahoma City will see significant changes that will benefit the young people of the breed. A Youth Judging Workshop will be introduced and held in place of the traditional Youth Judging Contest. Also new this year are educational tours that will be open to the public.

"I'm so excited about this change for our youth," said AMHA Youth Coordinator, Taylor Royals. "The Youth Judging Workshop really gives us a chance to focus on our youth already involved with Morgans and give them a fun and educational experience of their own."

A Youth Judging Workshop will be held Friday, October 14, at 8:30 a.m. Open to AMHA Youth members only, there will be two age divisions and four classes will be judged ringside. Ribbons first through sixth will be awarded in each age division at the Youth Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 15.

Educational Tours will be held Wednesday, October 12 and Thursday, October 13 at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. In addition to learning more about the Morgan breed and its versatility, tours will provide the opportunity for participants to learn more about careers in the equine industry, meet judges and professional trainers, and get a guided tour of the event, including the competition and behind the scenes in the barn. Open to the public, the tours are specially designed for local schools, groups, clubs of all kinds, and those who are home schooled.

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