CF First Night Out Passes Away
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Anne Neil of Blythewood Farm, Cleveland, Tenn., reported the death of the many times number one rated sire, CF First Night Out. The 23-year-old son of World’s Grand Champion CH Night Prowler and Happy Twenty-First (by New Yorker) died of a heart attack. “While we didn’t expect this, I was glad he went this way, instead of suffering,” said Neil.
Ranked number one on many of the industry’s ratings for the past several years, CF First Night Out sired World’s Grand Champion CH Yes It’s True, World’s Champion Of Champions Lady Maya, CH CF First Light Of Dawn, CH Take A Guess and Night Sight in addition to numerous world’s champions like Ava Gardner. A Tribute to the noted sire will run in the next issue of Saddle Horse Report.