Canadian Hackney Futurity
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Please be advised that Canadian Hackney Society Futurity payment forms were mailed out to currently participation members at the end of last week. Anyone who has a horse or pony foaled in 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006 that is currently eligible to be renewed in the Canadian Hackney Futurity program will receive renewal forms in the mail, as well as a form to nominate Mares that will foal in 2007 for the Futurity.
In order to save the Society some postage we did not automatically mail out a brood mare form to all other Hackney Society members, but would certainly be happy to send one to anyone who needs it.
THEREFORE ... IF YOU ARE THE OWNER OF A MARE that will foal in 2007, and you would like to have the foal in the 2007 Canadian Hackney Futurity, please inform John Lester by e-mail that you need a form, and he will make sure that one has been sent to you.
IF YOU ARE A STALLION OWNER who bred any outside Hackney Mares that will foal in 2007, please let John Lester know by return e-mail the names of the owners of the mares you bred, and he will make sure that those mare owners have been sent a form.
Thank you. John Lester