Bridlespur Adds Division to Promote Versatility
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The Bridlespur MHSA Kickoff Horse Show, held April 9-11, 2015, will once again be a great way to start off the show season in Missouri. With a great central location at the St. Louis National Equestrian Center, Bridlespur is four hours from Chicago and Indianapolis and five hours from Des Moines. Dale Arnston will serve as the judge for the 2015 event, which features a full slate of equitation National qualifiers and a great list of offerings for Saddlebreds and Morgans.
With Show Chair Jean Mutrux also serving as the president of VERSA, the American Saddlebred Versatility Association, special attention has been given to that aspect of competition. New for this year will be a USEF-recognized Western Dressage competition on Friday and a Dressage schooling show on Saturday. Both of these sessions will be held in Show Arena B. All exhibitors are welcome to participate or just spectate, as there will be offerings for all levels, including beginners. The highly respected Karen Winn will serve as judge for both of these divisions.
For more information on the Bridlespur MHSA Kickoff Horse Show, contact Show Manager David “Tuffy” Owens at 602-579-3738 or [email protected].