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Blue Ridge To Feature Live Feed

Horse Show Manager Elizabeth Holmes, along with official videographer Horse Videos, Inc. and Frierson’s Custom Tailored Riding Apparel are pleased to announce plans are in place to offer free, live streaming webcast coverage of the 2011 Blue Ridge Classic Horse Show, beginning Tuesday, July 26 through Saturday, July 30. Viewers from around the country will be able to access all show sessions beginning Tuesday evening at 6 pm, continuing through Saturday evening’s Championship classes.

The Blue Ridge Classic Horse Show is complete with morning and evening sessions featuring American Saddlebreds, Morgans, Friesians, Hackneys and Roadsters. In 2010, Blue Ridge was named a USEF Favorite Breed Competition Winner.

Viewers can access the 2011 Blue Ridge Classic online at . Viewers’ internet connection should be broadband, DSL, or cable modem for optimum quality (dial-up connection is not sufficient).

For additional information about the Blue Ridge Classic, visit

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