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Birth Announcement - Wyatt Dalton Kovach


Wyatt Dalton Kovach


Wendy Weatherman Lewis and Norm Kovach are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy on January 9, 2008. Wyatt Dalton Kovach weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces. He was 20 ½ inches long and had a full head of dark hair, proof that Wendy was not making up her heartburn attacks for attention.


Wyatt’s grandmothers are Judy Weatherman and Joyce Miller. Both grandmas can be reached via long distance as they are over the moon in love with Wyatt. His paternal grandfather is Joe Kovach. His maternal grandfather was the late Lynn Weatherman. Courtney Kovach is Wyatt’s big sister.


New mom and baby are doing great and Wyatt is looking forward to some warmer weather when he can go to the barn and see his pony, chickens, ducks, kitties, horses, cow, and geese that live on his Nova, Ohio farm. He is also welcomed home by a bunch of four-legged brothers and sisters of the canine variety that think he is very interesting.

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