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Barn Fire Donation Programs (Updated)

The barn owned by Brian Chappell in Perryville, KY burned to the ground on Friday evening, March 4th, 2011. Fire quickly engulfed the stable, killing 19 horses and destroying the structure and the contents. Brandy Johnson of Iron Horseshoe Farm and John Gregory were both renting stalls there, in addition to two horses Chappell owned.

Eleven horses in the Johnson show string were lost including Undulata’s Carla Sue, Belize It or Not, I’m the Liveliest, Struck by Lightening, and Life is Good, all owned by Jack Cumber of Nashville, TN; He’s Just a Dream and Lukenback, owned by Todd Davidson; After Sunset, owned by Terry Johnson; Magnums Midnight Rain, a Rocky Mountain horse owned by John Stivers; and two horses personally owned by Johnson, My Golden Reflection and Rum Rita.

Horses being trained by John Gregory and his wife, Eowyn, included two for Jimmy and Georgia Morrison, She Steels Hearts and Mi American Diva; Wyatt and Christine DeHart’s Just A Little Razzle Dazzle; Jan Luken’s Castle Scandal; and Gregory’s own I’m the Big Apple and Charm’s Hart Breaker.

Brian Chappell owned two lost in the fire, Gravel Switch and Barbie. He is the trainer at Don Harris Stables.

Johnson’s short-term plan is to return to Georgia to her father's farm to rebuild her business. UPHA Chapters 8 and 17 are joining together to organize Tack Drives at Pro Am and UPHA Chapter 8 horse shows. Area stables are encouraged to collect items (anything from buckets to bridles to brushes) and bring with you to Pro-Am or UPHA Chapter 8. There will be collection areas set up at both shows. In addition, Radon, Inc. and Jack Cumber have contributed $2,000 towards an account at Radon for her.

John and Eowyn Gregory plan to return to John’s family farm in Huntingburg, IN to re-establish horse training operations as soon as possible. A popular blacksmith, he also plans to continue his shoeing business.

Accounts have been established for all three horsemen at World Champion Horse Equipment, Fennell’s Horse Supply, Shelby Horse Supply, Freedman's, and The Winner’s Circle. Individuals wishing to contribute may make a donation by phone or in person at any of these stores, or in a mobile tack truck at an upcoming show.

An account has been set up at Wells Fargo named the Brandy Johnson Fire Acct. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation, you can either mail the checks to Terry Johnson at 6116 Fernwood Circle, Dawsonville, GA 30534 or give Terry a call at 678-878-0073 or you can call Amanda Ward at 678-873-2417 and they can give you the account number and routing number to transfer the money directly into the account. Accounts have been set up at World Champion for Brandy as well as Brian Chappell and John and Eowyn Gregory. You can call the store and either donate money or items to be sent to them.

Below is the contact information for each:

Brian Chappell, PO Box 55, Versailles, KY 40383 Phone: 502-348-3550

John and Eowyn Gregory, PO Box 436, Perryville, KY 40468 Phone: 812-309-6023

Brandy Johnson, 4372 Hyde Road, Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 270-283-2749

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