Attention Saddle Seat Adult Equitation Riders
Friday, March 2, 2007
The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) announces that a presidential modification has been granted in regards to EQ105.6 for the 2007 competition year. The current rule eliminates winners of the Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final from further competition in the Saddle Seat Medal Final classes. The approved presidential modification will change the rule to read as follows:
EQ105.6 The winner of a Medal Class Final is no longer eligible to compete in Medal classes in the division in which the Final was won (Exception: Winners of the Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final will be eliminated from further competition in the Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal classes after two (2) consecutive or non-consecutive wins of the Final).
This means that the previous winners of the USEF Medal Final are now eligible to compete in the Final (scheduled for July 13, 2007 at the Lexington Junior League Horse Show) as long as they meet the qualification requirements outlined in EQ118.10.a of the 2007 USEF rule book. For assistance in locating a qualifying class or any other questions, please contact the Breeds Department at (859) 225-6986.