ASR Three And Four-Year-Old Sweepstakes Grace Period Deadline is Wednesday, March 11
Monday, March 9, 2015
The grace period deadline for the ASR Three and Four-Year-Old Sweepstakes is Wednesday, March 11, 2015.
Payments for previously nominated horses, as well as new nominations for yearlings (foaled in 2014) to the Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes and three-year-olds (foaled in 2012) to the Four-Year-Old Sweepstakes must be postmarked and mailed to the ASR office, faxed to 859.259.1628 or e-mailed to [email protected] on or before Wednesday, March 11. Nomination forms can be downloaded on the ASR Sweepstakes page by clicking here.
This year, a total of $40,000 will be offered from the Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund for the top three highest placed Kentucky-bred American Saddlebreds nominated to compete in the 2015 ASR Four-Year-Old Sweepstakes classes at the World’s Championship Horse Show, August 22-29, 2015. A total of 70% will be awarded to the breeder and 30% to the stallion owner (at the time of service). To be eligible for the added incentive fund, a horse must meet certain criteria including being foaled in Kentucky, sired by a stallion standing in Kentucky at the time of service and bred by a Kentucky resident. Kentucky Saddlebred Owners and Breeders Association (KSOBA) membership is required prior to competing.
The Two and Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes classes are held at the All American Horse Classic in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The ASR Sweepstakes program has awarded more than $5 million in prize money since its inception. For more information on ASR Prize Programs, contact Patricia Edwards at 859.259.3899 or [email protected].