ASHA/UPHA Amateur Owner Trainer Reference Directory
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
ASHA and UPHA have joined forces to produce an Amateur Owner Trainer (AOT) Reference Directory!
The Reference Directory is a list of 1-3 UPHA members in each chapter who are willing to help an Amateur Owner Trainer in their area. To volunteer to be on the list is free but the advice does not need to be, charges for services rendered is up to each individual on the list.
The support a professional would give an AOT could range from a training tip, to helping to look for a horse to purchase, aiding in selling a horse, giving a lesson or two, or even allowing AOTs to stable at the end of their aisle at horse shows. The limit of help is totally up to each individual trainer.
This directory provides an open invitation for communication between AOTs and professionals. The focus of the Reference Directory initially is in the Saddlebred and Morgan industry; however the committee is hoping to branch out into other breeds, such as the Arabians among others. Please join ASHA and UPHA in giving your name and contact information to be included as a resource for an Amateur Owner Trainer. You might just change someone's life!
If you are interested in adding your name to the AOT Reference Directory please contact Stacey Kipper-Perrelli at 303-619-8699 or [email protected].
Above Submitted by Stacey Kipper-Perrelli