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ASHA/ASR Third Quarter Statistics 2014 – 2015

In an effort to keep American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) members aware of current trends in the Association and American Saddlebred Registry (ASR), ASHA is pleased to present quarterly figures.

"We have had requests from members to help keep them better informed so each quarter we will release statistics, comparing them with the previous year's numbers for that same time period. These and other stats will also be added to the Journal so all members will have them at their fingertips," said ASHA President Bob Funkhouser.

"The drop in foal registrations has been a major concern and ASHA is currently implementing a few different programs in an effort to turn that trend around. One such program is the Select Series being offered in different areas of the country. We have to have trainers and owners get behind these classes so there will be a greater demand for the beginning to middle market American Saddlebred."


ASR Registrations Processed

2014 - 994

2015 - 1,107

ASR Transfers Processed

2014 - 2,569

2015 - 2,569

ASHA Membership

2014 - 5,519

2015 - 6,331

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