ASHA Seeking Board Member Nominations
Monday, September 14, 2015
The American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) is soliciting nominations for new ASHA board members.
Nominations will be accepted until September 30, 2015. Please send the board nomination form to the attention of Nominating Committee for Directors Chair, Bret Day.
The expectations of an ASHA board member are as follows:
•In-person attendance at ASHA board meetings 3 times a year, typically held (i) in January/February in conjunction with the annual membership meeting of the ASHA; (ii) on the second Tuesday of July in Lexington; and (ii) on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning the last week of October in Lexington.
•Attendance at any special ASHA board meetings which may be called on an as-needed basis via telephone conference call.
•Active participation on at least one ASHA Committee (full information on ASHA Committees is listed on the ASHA Website).
•Annual financial donation to the ASHA (which is tax-deductible) at whatever level is comfortable.
•Participation in monthly telephone conference calls of the ASHA Executive Committee when possible; calls are held on the second Monday of every month, 5:30 – 7 p.m. EDT.
Additional ASHA information:
•The ASHA is a 501(C)(3) charitable nonprofit Kentucky corporation. The Mission Statement of the ASHA is as follows:
•The mission of the American Saddlebred Horse Association is to promote, improve and protect the grace, intelligence and versatility of the American Saddlebred, and to provide programs and services supporting our members, while fostering public awareness of the breed.
•The related entity, the American Saddlebred Registry, is a 501(C)(5) nonprofit Kentucky corporation. The Mission Statement of the Registry is as follows:
•The American Saddlebred Registry shall guarantee the purity of the breed through the establishment, maintenance and publication of an accurate register for the recording of pedigrees and the transfers of ownership of the American Saddlebred Horse. The Registry shall, in addition, administer the recognition and prize programs associated with the breed.
•ASHA Board composition: total of 18 members, elected for 3-year terms, terms are staggered such that 6 Directors are elected every year; Directors are permitted to serve 2 consecutive 3-year terms. The Board of Directors of the Registry consists of a total of 13 members, at least 6 of which must be Directors of the ASHA at the time of their election to the Registry Board.
•Governance: The officers of the ASHA consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; the 4 officers plus 3 additional Directors elected by the Board constitute the ASHA’s Executive Committee. Minutes of ASHA Board meetings are posted on the ASHA Website after these have been approved.