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ASHA President Statement on EHV-1

There has been much worry and discussion recently regarding the outbreak of the EHV-1 Virus. Some are saying this is a whole lot of unnecessary hype and hysteria but if you talked to Dr. Alan Raun who had 18 horses get sick and lost four of those, he’d tell you it is something to be concerned with.
After consulting with several vets and reading all sorts of posts on social media I have found some of the best information can be found by searching AAEP EVH. The American Association of Equine Practitioners website has a FAQ page with great information regarding the equine herpesvirus. It explains the disease, talks about how it is spread and how long it can live outside the horse’s body. There are also sections regarding “Is It Safe To Travel With My Horse?”
Basically, it is recommended that everyone consult with your own vet as well as your state veterinarian’s office regarding any new cases or travel restrictions. “Safety and precaution is always recommended, even when an outbreak has not occurred. Biosecurity is important at all times,” states the AAEP website.
“The EHV-1 virus is a normal occurring virus found in the equine population. All of the reasons that EHV-1 causes these severe neurological signs in some horses are not fully understood. There is never an “ALL CLEAR/NO RISK” when horses commingle. Basic everyday biosecurity is always recommended.”
Dr. Raun stated that the one thing he has taken from this is they will spray their stalls with a disinfectant before putting horses in them from now on.
Bob Funkhouser, ASHA President

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